Sunday, September 28, 2008

Life - September 28, 2008

Life is busy here! We are all doing really well!

James is amazingly busy between work and ACBA things we had our first show of the cavy show season where our silver boar received b.o.s.b. (best opposite sex of breed). It was nice to travel down to Tucson with just James and I!!! The end of October he will be going to Kentucky for nationals for a week!

Dennis is busy with college and adjusting to life after mission! :) This is him with his niece Hailee!

Katlyn is also busy with college and work! But still has time to text and post on facebook!

Andrew is a sophomore in high school and busy with choir and computers! He loves scouting and he and Braden will be going with the scouts to Woods Canyon Lake over fall break! He has been asked to be the choir president for our ward choir, so this will keep him busy with two choirs!

Braden is now in Jr High and is keeping me busy with projects and cello practise, etc. Braden will soon join the ranks of the 'braced' generation. He will be getting his braces on the 12th of Oct. He had nine teeth pulled in preparation! :{ He is excited because his best friend also has braces.

Kevin is now serving in the mission office as the materials secretary! He is loving it!!! They work in the office from 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and then the proselyte until nine.

Rayalee, Jon, Brooklyn and Hailee are all doing well! The girls are growing like weeds and keeping Rayalee hopping! Brooklyn is two and into everything! She loves to come to our house and help 'papas' feed the guinea pigs. Hailee is such a doll and smiles and laughs and talks to any one who will listen! She has a fascination with her toes right now!

I am still busy being a wife, mom, grandma, activity day leader, driver, etc.... I just celebrated my birthday and it was an enlightening experience!!! :) Dennis and Jon put 44 candles in a cupcake and lit them. What a bonfire!!!!! James' birthday should be quite a show :)!!!!!